Week of Permitting

This week I will go in front of our County planning board to hear if I am able to be able to have WoodSmith Estates. I’m excited! This is do or die time. So we will see what is in store for me. Once I get through the County I will then have to go in front of the Town. Maybe by next week I will be official???

After this up next will be my business plan & my credit. I have been working on my business plan and working on my credit. I don’t know a lot about credit issues but I have come to find out is if you have credit cards it is better having any amount across multiple credit cards than just a few. A few years ago I thought I was cleaning up my credit by combining amounts and putting them on one credit card. I had close out those ones that I transferred or paid off. Well looking at getting a loan I was told that was not the right decision. I should’ve left those open. How do you know this kind of stuff? So I’m working on that and hopefully will have that all taken care of here soon.




The Beginning